بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " حل وشرح اسئلة امتحان CCNA 200-120 R&S
a network administrator is verifying the configuration of a newly installed host by establishing an ftp connection a remote server
what is the highest layer of the protocol stack that the network administrator is using for this operation
(Application == Presentation == Session == Transport == Internet == data link)
السؤال بيقول مسؤال الشبكة بيتحقق من الاعدادت لجهاز جديد عن طريق برتكول ftp ايه من الطبقة العالية المسؤالة عن البرتكول اللى هيستخدمه المسؤال للعملية ديه ؟
برتكول الـftp برتكول نقل الملفات بيشتغل على الطبقة السابعة .
?where does routing occur within the dod tcp/ip reference model
( Application == Internet == Network== Transport)
قبل ما نجاوب السؤال قبل osi كان فيه موديل اسمه tcp -ip وهو لسه موجود بيتكون من 4 طبقات الطبقة التالتة في في osi هي network في tcp-ip اسمها طبقة internet وطبعاً الرواتر طبقة 3 فهتكون الأجابة انترنت
which statement describe the process of the dynamically assigning ip addresses by dhcp server
Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement
Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times. Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made
Addresses are leased to hosts, which periodically contact the DHCP server to renew the
ايه العبارة اللى بتوصل عملية تعين ip من dhcp ؟
الاجابة هتكون الاخيرة بيتم تأجير او أطلاق الايبيهات للأجهزة وبصورة دورية بيتم التواصل مع dhcp علشان يجدد صلاحية الأيي بي على الجهاز
how does a dhcp server dynamically assign ip addresses to hosts
نفس السؤال السابق
Addresses are allocated after a negotiation between the server and the host to determine the length of the agreement
Addresses are permanently assigned so that the hosts uses the same address at all times. Addresses are assigned for a fixed period of time, at the end of the period, a new request for an address must be made
Addresses are leased to hosts. A host will usually keep the same address by periodically contacting the DHCP server to renew the lease
هيتم اطلاق الايبهات للأجهزة و الجهاز هيفضل محتفظ بنفس الاي بي لكن بصورة مستمرة هيفضل يتواصل مع dhcp علشان يجدد فترة بقاء الاي بي وهكذا .
which two tasks does the dynamic host configuration protocol perform
Set the IP gateway to be used by the network
Perform host discovery used DHCPDISCOVER message
Configure IP address parameters from DHCP server to a host
Provide an easy management of layer 3 devices
Monitor IP performance using the DHCP server
Assign and renew IP address from the default pool
ايه المهمتين اللى بيقوم بيهم dhcp من العبارات التالية ؟
بيقوم بضبط الاي بي منه للهوست ، بيسجل ويجدد الايبهات من رنج الايبهات اللى عنده للأجهزة
which statement is correct regarding the operation of dhcp
A DHCP client uses a ping to detect address conficts
A DHCP server uses a gratuitous ARP to detect DHCP clients. A DHCP client uses a gratuitous ARP to detect a DHCP server
If an address conflict is detected, the address is removed from the pool and an administrator must resolve the conflict
If an address conflict is detected, the address is removed from the pool for an amount of time configurable by the administrator
If an address conflict is detected, the address is removed from the pool and will not be reused until the server is rebooted.
ايه من العبارات التالية بتوصف العمليات ألمتعلقة بـdhcp
لو حصل تضارب في الاي بيهات بيقوم dhcp بحذف الاي بي اللى مسبب المشلكة من البول عنده علشان يمنع توزيعه مره تانية لحد ما الادمن يدخل يحل التضارب
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